Obamacare? Just say No!

I had a history teacher who used to say that you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to—but you should be prepared to face the consequences. He was usually talking about homework assignments, but there was always an implied message of the responsibility of rebellion: Defy the powers that be if you must, but always be aware of the results that will follow. In the wake of all of the nationwide protests over Obamacare, my teacher’s words remain prudent advice.

A number of GOP governors have publicly stated that they will ignore the recent Supreme Court Decision or refuse to implement the bill in whole or in part. I’m not yet buying it. You see, there’s a cynical little man that lives inside my skull that’s telling me this is nothing more than election year posturing designed to gin up their constituents. I doubt that any of these politicians have seriously thought this through.

Frankly, I would support such a defiant move, but I’d also suggest that a few governors put their heads together and discuss some strategy, tactics and a full range of possible scenarios. I’m not convinced that anything like that has occurred yet. Take a stand, yes, but make sure you completely understand the consequences before you refuse to back down.

A strong leader knows the difference between battles worth fighting and battles best avoided. And such leaders must choose wisely in deciding when to fight. I hope to heck that there are a few GOP leaders that are willing to see a bigger picture beyond cheap campaign gimmicks.

1 thought on “Obamacare? Just say No!

  1. * A number of GOP governors have publicly stated that they will ignore the recent Supreme Court Decision or refuse to implement the bill in whole or in part.*

    I think the number of GOP governors who actually turn down federal money to implement Obamacare will equal the number of GOP governors who actually turned down federal stimulus money — zero. It seems state legislators have a say in stuff like this.

    Go figure. 🙂

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